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Is non-compliant spend costing you time and money?
You’re not alone. It's estimated that up to 16% of procurement’s negotiated savings are lost due to off-contract purchasing. Unfortunately, as every procurement professional knows, getting people to follow the correct processes is easier said than done. But, it’s not impossible.
Download this eBook to find out how to get maverick spend under control and benefit from increased visibility, less risk, and more spend directed to your preferred suppliers.

What’s inside?
This eBook is the ultimate resource for procurement specialists who want to rein in maverick spend – without having to become the "procurement police." We look at key aspects of non-compliant spend, including why it happens, what you can do about it, and how to avoid common pitfalls.
Part 2
Four ways to get buying back on track
Once you understand why maverick spend happens in your organization, it’s time to do something about it.
We outline four ways to rein in non-compliant spend, including practical guidance and ideas that you can start implementing in your organization today.
Part 1
Understanding the problem
Delve into common problematic buying behaviors, why they happen, and the consequences for your organization.
Included is an example scenario that looks at how not following purchasing guidelines can result in bad procurement outcomes.
Part 3
Common missteps (and how to avoid them)
Every procurement team sets out with the right motives to deliver the best procurement outcome. But it doesn’t always go to plan.
We assess common traps procurement teams fall into when trying to tackle maverick spend, and present more effective alternatives